
Kiuwan Local Analyzer incorporates a safety mechanism that avoids concurrency problems when it automatically upgrades.

This mechanism avoids two conflicting scenarios:

  • Upgrade during a running analysis
  • Analysis during a running upgrade

To implement this mechanism, Kiuwan Local Analyzer creates some *.lock files that under normal conditions control this synchronization.

Nevertheless, under some special circumstances (JVM crashes, user kills JVM, etc) it might be possible that those *.lock files remain.

If this happens, the following situations may occur:

  • Analyses halt and do not progress (get blocked)
  • Automatic upgrade does not finish (gets blocked and enters a time out)


Remove all *.lock files that might exist under your Kiuwan Local Analyzer installation.

This removal can be done executing the following command:

agent.cmd --clean

Additionally, there is configuration property in conf/ that affects this behavior:

# Max time (in seconds) to wait for running analysis to end before upgrading agent

This is the max time (1 hour by default) a new analysis will wait for running analysis to end before upgrading agent. You can reduce this value in case you consider your local analyses should end in less than 1 hour.

Please visit Kiuwan Local Analyzer CLI - Command Line Interface for further information.