This guide shows you how to export your Action Plan in PDF, CSV format or to JIRA.


Export to PDF or CSV

Once you have created an Action Plan, you can export it by doing the following: 

  1. Go to Code Security/Code Analysis > Action Plans
  2. Go to the action plan you want to export and click the arrow on the right to open the drop-down menu. 

  3. Select PDF or CSV. Your file downloads automatically.

Here is an example of a PDF export: 

Export to JIRA

Once you have created an Action Plan, you can export it by doing the following: 

  1. Go to Code Security/Code Analysis > Action Plans
  2. Go to the action plan you want to export and click the arrow on the right to open the drop-down menu. 

  3. Select JIRA. A dialog window displays: 
    1. Choose Jira project to bind
    2. Choose the type of Issues to be created
    3. Choose the priority of the issues
    4. Chose the way the Issues are created:
      1. To create one Issue per Rule (one issue per rule containing all the associated defects), or
      2. To create one Issue per Defect (as many issues as action plan’s defects)

When you enter valid credentials, you do not have to enter the JIRA URL, Username, and password for any action plan for the rest of the session.

Your action plan is imported to JIRA in the form of JIRA issues. 

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