The Javascript rule "Avoid hard-coded or in-comment passwords in code" ( rule code OPT.JAVASCRIPT.PasswordInComments) searches for hard-coded passwords in source code.
This rule checks if there are comments in the code that contain expressions that match with a predefined regexp pattern, so it can lead to several false positives and/or false negatives.
This rule contains the parameter "passwordPattern" that you can edit to change the default pattern if you are finding too many false positives.
The default regexp pattern is :
public static final String _PASSWORD_TOKEN = "password|passwd|contrase..?a|kontrazeinu|pasahitza|contra-senha|senha|passwort|watchtwoord|adgangskode|"+ "has\u0142o|parol|parool|parola\\s+d'ordine|mot\\s+de\\s+passe|\u043F\u0430\u0440\u043E\u043B\u044C|heslo|"+ "\u03C0\u03B1\u03C1\u03B1\u03C3\u03CD\u03BD\u03B8\u03B7\u03BC\u03B1|\u015Fifre|\u5BC6\u7801|\u5BC6\u78BC|"+ "\u30D1\u30B9\u30EF\u30FC\u30C9|\uC554\uD638|lozinka|\u043B\u043E\u0437\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0430|paasavard"; /** * Common regex pattern for detecting a password encoded in comments. * Matches a 'password' token in common languages, optionally followed by at most 7 plain words, * with optional whitespace followed by a separator/quoting char. */ public static final String PASSWORD_IN_COMMENT_PATTERN = "(\\b|_)(?:"+_PASSWORD_TOKEN+")(?:\\s+[\\p{L}]+){0,7}\\s*[=\\:\\-'\"]";
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