Why Should You Care About Static Code Analysis?

Learn about the importance of static code analysis and how to detect security threats in your source code with a static code analyzer tool so that the next data breach isn’t you or your company.

What Is Static Code Analysis & How Does It Work?

Many people want to know what is static analysis. A static code analyzer promotes code security through source code analysis and checking executable files of an application without actually running the application. Static analyzers are more efficient than reviewing code manually during a code review, especially for enforcing coding standards.

A Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tool is a type of static code analyzer that developers use to find security flaws and improve code quality and software quality. Kiuwan Code Security scans application code using over 4,000 rules that are aligned with industry standards, including the OWASP Top 10, CWE/SANS Top 25 most dangerous software errors, PCI-DSS security policies, HIPAA compliance, MISRA-C, and more.

Add a Kiuwan SAST or software composition analysis (SCA) scan as a point-in-time audit of your application source code or integrate Kiuwan into your IDE for continuous scanning

No Dev Process Is Complete Without DevSecOps

DevSecOps has many advantages, and among the most significant are increased development speed with better security. Without DevSecOps, software development environments and open-source software solutions are prone to introducing security issues that lead to lost time and money.

Introducing application security measures at the beginning of development is ideal because it scans code for vulnerabilities as it’s created so defects can be resolved.

 Security requirements in the planning phase
 Security-focused code reviews during development
Penetration testing during integration/acceptance testing

Focus Remediation Efforts for the Best Results

There are many static code analysis tools on the market. But developers like Kiuwan because it is a powerful tool for managing and remediating security vulnerabilities.

In a perfect world, you would fix 100% of the vulnerabilities found during static code analysis. But, unless you have unlimited resources and time, you need to make informed decisions about which vulnerabilities must be fixed to meet your goals.

Kiuwan improves the process with Action Plans that include an estimated level of effort to reach your goal. Review your current risk level and an estimated effort to reach your goal risk level. Manually create an action plan by selecting just the vulnerabilities to fix, using filters for priority, type, etc. Or, let Kiuwan generate an automatic action plan for you.

Analysis is best performed from a “what if” approach by adjusting your available resources and target risk level. Set rule weights to focus on the security vulnerabilities most important to you, or adjust the built-in assumptions that calculate effort.

Kiuwan Helps Development Teams

Stay Compliant 
Our static code analysis tool can scan your code using a rule set (4k) based on industry standards including OWASP Top 10 and more.
Integrates With IDEs
Get instant analysis and recommendations to code securely with common IDEs and programming languages. Click here for the list.
Target Threats to Your Code
Calculate risk and hours required for remediation. Utilize the “what if simulator” to adjust security level and generate action plans.

The global average cost of a data breach in 2023 is $4.45 million USD, an increase of 15.3% from $3.86 million in 2020.

*IBM Report

Don’t Wait Until It Is Too Late

Eliminate vulnerabilities and write secure code that’s less likely to cause a data breach. A static analysis tool ensures your code is secure, and our experts will show you how. Request a demo today.
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