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System Architecture Overview

Kiuwan On-Premises (KOP) is based on a client-server architecture with the following major server components:

  • WildFly application server 
  • MySQL database
  • Redis in-memory data store

KOP solution is deployed on a centralized server (all the components are installed in the same host) and accessed by users via HTTP website access or by IDE plugins (Eclipse, Visual Studio).

KOP also supports distributed architecture with high-availability and load-balancing. For these scenarios, please contact Kiuwan support.

Server Host Requirements

Installation requirements

Kiuwan On-Premises (KOP)  solution is deployed on a centralized server host (all the components are installed in the same host) and accessed by users via HTTP or by IDE plugins (Eclipse, Visual Studio).

KOP installation process consists on building a Docker image.

Server Host Requirements

  • Linux kernel version 3.10 or higher

  • CS Docker Engine version 1.10 or higher installed on your server 

  • Connectivity to SMTP Mail Server (i.e. remotely accessible or locally installed)

  • The first phase of installation process (building the Kiuwan image) requires Internet connectivity 

Installation must be executed by a 
unix user with privileges to execute docker server commands.

During the installation process, you will need to specify a KOP unix user and group :

  • KOP user will the owner of the KOP processes that will run within the docker container 
  • the docker persistent volume will be owned by KOP user

KOP User and Group is specified during the KOP Installation process as KIUWAN_USER and KIUWAN_GROUP properties

You can create KOP user and group by executing next commands (no special privileges are needed):

  • sudo groupadd ${KIUWAN_GROUP}
  • sudo useradd -g ${KIUWAN_GROUP} -s /bin/false -m -d /home/${KIUWAN_USER} ${KIUWAN_USER}

KOP Persistent Volume is created by the installation process and must specified as DIR_PERSISTENT_VOLUME property

Be sure to dispose of a minimum of 6 GB of free disk space :

  • 3 Gb for Docker image

  • 3 Gb for KOP Persistent Volume

KOP persistent volume contains KOP database and its size will increase as more Kiuwan analyses are executed.
  • Recommended size for KOP persistent volume is 50 Gb
  • Try to specify an independent disk/partition, so you can easily increase it later if needed

CPU and memory requirements

 Server CPU and memory requirements depend on several factors:

  • how many lines of code will need to be scanned
  • how many analyses will need to be executed in parallel 
  • how many users will access the web application


It's important to notice that we're assuming the typical use case where code analyses are performed locally through Kiuwan Local Analyzer, and therefore out of server machine (tipically at a user machine or within a build CI system).

Therefore, when we talk about analysis we mean 2nd phase of the analysis (i.e. indicator calculation that is executed within the host server)


Above factors heavily influence host server requirements, but minimum requirements are:

Operating SystemRAMCPUsDiskOther SW

Linux kernel version 3.10 or higher

16 GB

Intel i7 2,5 GHz with 4 cores

750 GBCS Docker Engine version 1.10 or higher

Note: CPU clock speed and disk speed will affect overal response time. 


Above configuration is recommended for a system load that requires continuous service for:

  • parallel execution of 2 analyses (any additional parallel analysis request will be enqueued, and it will be executed as soon as any of the running analyses finishes), and
  • 50 concurrent web-users

Additional system requirements can be met by following next recommendations:

  • In case you need a higher number of parallel analyses executions, you should add 1 CPU core and 512 Mb for any additional required parallel analysis
  • In case you need to improve response time to web users, conside to add 1Gb for every 50 additional web users.


Installation steps

Before installing KOP, make sure that you understand the System Architecture Overview, that your server host(s) complies with the Server Host Requirements, and that you have properly prepared the Environment as follows:


Before installing KOP, make sure your server host complies with the Server Host Requirements


Installation Steps:


Step 1. Unpackage KOP Installation Package

KOP Installation Package consists on a tarball gz file (docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y.tar.gz) containing all the kiuwan docker files.

  • Copy the distribution tarball to your host server’s installation directory ($KOP_INSTDIR)
  • Uncompress the distribution tarball  
    • tar xvzf docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y.tar.gz
  • This will create a $KOP_INSTDIR/docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y directory with all the kiuwan docker files

  • In $KOP_INSTDIR/docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y you will find a file named Dockerfile where you will configure the Kiuwan docker image.


KOP Licenses are distributed through a zip file that contains two license distribution zipfiles:


To install the licences:

  1. Copy both zipfiles to "license" directory of you KOP installation directory
    • cp $KOP_INSTDIR/docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y/license
    • cp $KOP_INSTDIR/docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y/license
  2. Continue configuring and building your KOP image

Please visit How to Install KOP Licenses is you need to reinstall (or upgrade) licenses after the docker container is built.


Step 2. Configure Kiuwan Docker image

After unpackaging, you should configure the docker image to be built.

Configuration of Kiuwan docker image is currently done by creating a configuration file (settings.custom) that will be used during the image building process.

There's a file (settings.tpl) you can use as a template to configure your own settings.

  1. Create settings.custom file by copying the template file
    • cp settings.tpl settings.custom
  2. Edit the properties of settings.custom file





Default value


SysAdmin configuration


Hostname (or ip address) and port number to access KOP.

These variables will be used to build Kiuwan URL.

Example (with default values):

  • http://kop:7080/saas
KIUWAN_DOCKER_IMAGE Name of the docker image (repository name) to be built
KIUWAN_TAG_DOCKER_IMAGE Tag of the docker image to be built



Directory of docker server where the container volume will be bound


Directory of the container where KOP will be installed.


Docker server port to access container's MySQL

  • you can leave it to standard 3306 if MySQL is not running in server host

Docker server port to access container thorugh SSH

  • must be different to standard 22 because most probably SHH:22 will be running in server host

Depending of your Kiuwan On Premises purchased license:

  • true: Start mongodb (license with Architecture included)
  • false: Don´t start mongodb (license without Architecture)
Proxy settings  
  • false: don´t use proxy to build container
  • true: use proxy to build container
PROTOCOL_PROXYhttphttp or https
 Hostname (or ip address) and port number of proxy used for Intenet connectivity during the image building process

Username and password to connect Proxy

KOP users
System user/group for KOP installation and execution
MYSQL_ROOT_PWDrootPassword for root user of KOP's MySQL instance

Username and password used by KOP to access MySQL database

SSH_ROOT_PWDpasswordPassword for root user (SSH) of Kiuwan Container

Email address of kiuwanadmin user

  • this email address will be used to send notifications to kiuwanadmin user
KOP e-mail (SMTP) configuration


 SMTP host and port
 SMTP account : username and password

Sender email address for KOP email notifications

Advanced configuration (WildFly, MySQL, Redis, etc)


Max ammount of heap memory to be used by WidlFly


Max memory limit to be used by Redis server (


You can visit Advanced Configuration for additional configuration parameters.


Step 3. Build the Kiuwan Docker image

After configuration, you will build the Kiuwan docker image.


IMPORTANT: Please be sure you have already installed KOP licenses, otherwise the docker image will not be built !!


To build the docker image:

     cd $KOP_INSTDIR/vX.Y


This step requires Internet connectivity.

If your installation uses an proxy, you should have previolsy configured the proxy settings.


In case you need to execute the Kiuwan container in a host server without Internet connectivity:

  1. Build the image in a connected server host
  2. Save the image, transfer it to the target host server and then load it and execute it (as further described)



After image creation, you will be able to list the images in your docker server and identify your kiuwan image by issuing the next command:

     docker images


Step 3.1 (Optional) Moving the image to another server host

After creating the image, if you want to move it to another host server you first must save it to a tarball by executing: 

     docker save kop:v1.2 > kop_v12_saved_image.tar 
Then,  transfer the image tarball to the destination host and load it by executing:
     docker load --input kop_v12_saved_image.tar 


Step 4. Executing the Kiuwan Docker container

After executing docker image build script (./ ), two scripts are generated based on settings.custom configuration file 

Script to start the Kiuwan docker container and make KOP fully available and accessible to users. 

Script to initilize the Kiuwan docker container (i.e. resetting completely the KOP installation to factory defaults) without to create a new image. This script will remove any existing data of KOP installation (for example, all the database contents will be deleted).



  • These scripts are based on settings.custom values at the momment of building the docker image.
  • If you later change settings.custom file, the new configuration values will not be applied until a new image is built (and new scripts will be generated)



You can stop the Kiuwan container by issuing the following command:

     docker stop <my_container_name>



Step 4.1 Execution in debug mode (only sshd) 

Just in case you are running with problems while executing Kiuwan container, you can run it in debug mode.

This means to apply the configuration but not starting the services, allowing you to access the container through ssh.


After the container is built, you can execute (run) the Kiuwan container in debug mode by issuing the following command:


     docker run --rm --name <my_container_name> \
                     -h <my_container_host_name> \
                     -v <server_host_mount_dir:container_mount_dir> \
                     -p <ssh_port_ext>:22  \
                     -d \

Step 5. Accessing Kiuwan On Premise

KOP built-in users

KOP comes with the following built-in users.

  • kiuwanadmin (password: kiuwanadmin)
    • access to Kiuwan "functional" administration modules such as Users, Applications and Model Management  (see Admin Guide )
    • log in as kiuwanadmin to create users of your KOP instance
  • sysadmin (password: sysadmin)
    • log in as sysadmin to access functionalities related to monitoring and tuning KOP execution
    • sysadmin will give you access KOP sysconsole


Once Kiuwan On Premise container is running, you can access it from a browser in the following URL:


where KIUWAN_HOST and KIUWAN_PORT match the values of those properties as configured in settings.custom



Advanced Configuration

As above specified, settings.custom file allows you to specify most (but not all) configuration parameters.

There are some additional configuration parameters that you can configure at Dockerfile (located in your $KOP_INSTDIR)


Configuration done at settings.custom file always take precedence over configuration done at Dockerfile 


PropertyName (=default value) 


TimeZoneKIUWAN_TIMEZONE='UTC'Timezone to be used by Kiuwan application.


Max and Min ammount of heap memory to be used by WidlFly.

Max and min ammount of perm gen memory to be used by WildFly




Default MySQL parameters used to create database instance.

(see for reference) redis



Maximum number of Redis clients that could be handled simultaneously (

Max memory limit to be used by Redis server (

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