This release includes the following performance fixes and API improvements:
Improvements and Fixes
Overall performance fixes:
- Performance issues in some Kiuwan accounts when publishing a model, user's page, and checking subscription details have been fixed.
- Performance analysis is no longer reporting slow-down issues at certain times.
- Kiuwan no longer reports high server response times.
- This release includes the improvement of the server startup time.
- The export time of the PDF was optimized.
- Execution threads of Apache are working as expected.
- A reported query no longer causes slow times and high CPU consumption in RDS.
API improvements:
- POST /saas/rest/v1/chart/timeline/customer no longer reports slow response time.
- GET /apps/FraudAnalyticsDB/analyses no longer reports slow response time.
- GET /saas/zkau/view/z_qy50/dwnmed-4/uln1/129837_2019-12-10%2004:37:24.0_INSIGHT_COMPONENTS_rfc_4180.csv no longer reports slow response time.
- GET /apps/analysis/A-7e3-16dd8e915e9 no longer reports slow response time.
GET /info/application?application=iib-order-core-common no longer reports slow response time.
GET /saas/rest/v1/qualitymodel/suppressions?application=OS0010728-4074-GEMA_PHX_FASEIII no longer reports slow response time.