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Kiuwan Account


You must have a valid account to download the Kiuwan Local Analyzer (KLA) from


the Kiuwan website

System permissions

On your operating system, you should


have permission to download zip files, unzip, and execute


their contents.

If this is not possible, contact your local administrator. 

Operating Systems

Operating systems supported by the local analyzer


are Windows, Linux


, MacOS, UNIX, and any other OS that supports Java.

Internet Connection


An internet connection is required during the execution of KLA (for authentication, automatic updates, quality model download, and results upload).

If you need to execute KLA without Internet connectivity, you should execute KLA in deferred mode. Please visit Offline analyses: the deferred mode for further information

To function properly, Kiuwan Local Analyzer needs to access the following URLs:

Additionally, the following URLs should also be accessible to contact Kiuwan support:


[currently recommended from 8 to 11]

You need either a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed


URL Access


To properly work, KLA needs to access the following URL:



(8 or above)


Depending on your platform,


make sure


the JAVA_


HOME environment variable points to the directory where


Java is installed and that you have $JAVA_HOME/bin in your PATH.  (in some platforms the installer takes care of this for you)

Windows Configuration





8 and



  1. In Search, search for and then select: System (Control Panel)
  2. Click


  1. the Advanced system


  1. settings link.


  1. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it.


  1. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.
  2. In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable.


  1. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by


  1. clicking OK.
  2. Reopen the Command prompt window, and run your


  1. Java code.

For other


operating systems please see


the Java Help page

Memory and Time Requirements

When KLA executes a local analysis, it starts a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for every analysis step.

By default:

  • JVM is configured to take a maximum of 1GB per concurrent analysis

  • Max time (timeout) for every analysis step is configured to 60 minutes.

These default values are


sufficient for most




For analyses that


contain more than 5,000


source files and/or more than 1.5


million lines of


code, it's recommended















to increase those values.