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This guide will show you how to integrate Kiuwan into GitLab CI. 


Table of Contents

Introduction to the plugin

GitLab is a powerful tool for software development, security, and operations that enables concurrent DevOps, making the software lifecycle faster.

In continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) environments, it is very common (and recommended) to ensure the security and quality of the software under development.

Kiuwan allows baseline or delivery analyses as a step in the pipeline defined in GitLab.

The Kiuwan analysis will be executed by a GitLab runner.

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Installing the plugin

 To run a Kiuwan analysis, follow these steps:

  1. Insert or add a Kiuwan step in the YAML definition

    In the project home, add a YAML file with the steps to invoke Kiuwan.

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  1. Info

    The tags used in this step are important because they will be used in the configuration of the local agents (runners).

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    Here is a very simple case with a Maven step and a Kiuwan baseline analysis:

    Code Block
     - build
     - analyze
     stage: build
       - mvn clean
       - maven
     stage: analyze
       - agent -n %CI_PROJECT_NAME% -s %CI_PROJECT_DIR% -l "GitLab build %CI_JOB_ID%" -c --user %KIUWAN_USER% --pass %KIUWAN_PASSWD%
       - kiuwan

  1. Install Kiuwan Local Analyzer in the runner machine

    As we can see in the previous example, the call to Kiuwan is through a command line.

     The Kiuwan Local Analyzer must be installed where the GitLab runner will be installed. Here are instructions on how to install it.

    In addition, add the folder KLA_HOME/bin to the environment variable PATH.


  1. Define credentials as secret variables

    Kiuwan credentials should be added as secret variables. These variables will be applied to environments via the runner.

    To add the variables go to Settings -> CI/CD menu and clicking on Expand and add both variables.

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  1. Perform an analysis

    To perform a Kiuwan analysis, we need to install a GitLab runner (local agent) that will be responsible to execute the steps of the pipeline.

    To install a gitlab runner, follow these instructions:

    When we create the agent it is necessary to specify the tags of the steps we want to analyze with the runner.

    In the previous example, the tags used are maven and kiuwan:

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    Once this is done, perform an analysis in the pipeline screen to test the configuration.

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