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This section will show you how to integrate the Kiuwan IDE Plug-In into Visual Studio Code. 


The Kiuwan IDE Plug-In for Visual Studio Code is only available in Viewer Mode.

It has been successfully tested with VS Code 1.33.1


Table of Contents

Excerpt Include
Kiuwan for Developers
Kiuwan for Developers



Before starting the installation, you must download k4d-vscode.vsix from  from 

  1. Click on Extensions

  2. Click on More Actions (...) >> Install from VSIX

  3. Select k4d-vscode.vsix

  4. After the installation, you will see the Kiuwan for Developers extension.



After installation, you need to configure the Kiuwan IDE Plug-In to connect to Kiuwan. Please remember that you need to have a valid Kiuwan Account.

  1. Go to File > Preferences >  Settings 

  2. and select User Settings > Extensions > Kiuwan

Connection Settings

You can find the connection settings at User Settings > Extensions > Kiuwan

Please remember that you need to have a valid Kiuwan Account.


The Kiuwan server URL comes preconfigured (leave it with default value).

  • This field only needs to be modified in case you are using Kiuwan On-Premises (KOP). 
  • If you need to modify it (to set your KOP server URL, check Customize Kiuwan Server location)

Fill in the User and Password fields with your Kiuwan account credentials.

If your Kiuwan account is configured to use Single Sign-On (SSO), enter your Domain ID (consult your Kiuwan admin and see How to integrate Kiuwan with SAML SSO)

To check the connection, you can use K4D: Check Connection With Current Settings to select the delivery. See Kiuwan VS Code commands 

Mapping your VS Code folder or workspace to your Kiuwan Application

After the Kiuwan IDE Plug-In is installed, you are ready to map your VS Code workspace or folder to a Kiuwan application.

This action will allow synchronizing defects and vulnerabilities found by Kiuwan in your source code, getting them ready for fixing.

All the following settings can be configured at User level (i.e. they will apply to all folders opened with the user currently logged in the machine), or at Workspace level (i.e. you can configure different values for different folders/workspaces); the later is recommended.

To map your VS Code workspace to Kiuwan, type your Kiuwan app name at Remote Application: Name

Leaving it blank, you can use K4D: Pick Remote Application to select the app.

See Kiuwan VS Code commands  

Source of Defects

Once mapped, you can select the source of the defects that will be shown in VS Code.


Depending on your needs, the source of server defects could be different:
  • Last baseline analysis
    • All the defects found during last complete application analysis (i.e. the Application Baseline)
  • Action plan
    • Defects included within an Action Plan (you must type the plan name)
    • Leaving it blank, you can use K4D: Pick Action Plan to select the action plan. See Kiuwan VS Code commands 
  • Audit Delivery
    • Defects that must be fixed so the Audit of a delivery can be successfull (you must type the delivery name)
    • Leaving it blank, you can use K4D: Pick Audit Delivery to select the delivery. See Kiuwan VS Code commands 

  • Delivery
    • Defects found for the delivery analysis of the mapped application
    • Leaving it blank, you can use K4D: Pick Delivery to select the delivery. See Kiuwan VS Code commands 

For Audit Delivery and Delivery , you can select a range of defects.

Limiting and filtering Defects

Finally, you can limit how many defects to download from Kiuwan servers (Defects Limit), as well as filter the resulting set of defects by Characteristics, File Patterns, Language and Priority

VS Code commands

Select Command Palette..

to use the following list of Kiuwan VS Code commands 

For example, if you select Delivery as the source for defects, you can select the right delivery by running K4D: Pick Delivery and selecting among the available ones.

Viewing Kiuwan defects in VS Code

Once configured, just click on the Kiuwan icon to see the defects.

This 'tree of defects' is structured in two or three levels:

  1. Rule
    • The first level represents 'the rule' which generated the defect. 
    • If you select it, the bottom section Details will refresh its contents, showing important information about that rule. 
    • You can also right-click on it and select Show rule documentation in Kiuwan and K4D will open a new tab of your system web browser, pointing to Kiuwan, to show you all existing details about the rule. 
  2. Defect
    • The second level is populated with defects found of the selected rule. 
    • The Details section will now show information that affects only selected defect, and K4D will try and find the reported file and line among your local sources, to open it in a new editor tab. 
  3. Propagation path
    • The last level will show you all the locations of the code crossed by a security vulnerability, so you can track it, and neutralize it.


Support and Troubleshooting 

If you experience problems with the Kiuwan plugin for VS Code, read the Kiuwan Documentation to find a solution, or if you prefer you can collect troubleshooting information and send it to us.


titleSupport Information

Important information for troubleshooting is located in the log file.

To make this process easier find log file at $USER_HOME/.optimyth/k4d-vscode.log and submit to technical support team. 

Visit  Contact Kiuwan Technical Support on how to contact us. We will address your problem as soon as possible.