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KOP Installation Package consists on a tarball gz file (docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y.tar.gz) containing all the kiuwan docker files.

  • Copy the distribution tarball to your host server’s installation directory ($KOP_INSTDIR)
  • Uncompress the distribution tarball  
    • tar xvzf docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y.tar.gz
  • This will create a $KOP_INSTDIR/docker-for-kiuwan_master.XYYYYMMDDHHMM.Ybuildnumber directory with all the kiuwan docker files

  • In $KOP_INSTDIR/docker-for-kiuwan_master.XYYYYMMDDHHMM.Ybuildnumber you will find a file named Dockerfile where you will configure the Kiuwan docker image.


KOP Licenses are distributed through a zip file that contains two license distribution zipfiles:


To install the licences:

  1. Copy both zipfiles to "license" directory of you KOP installation directory
    • cp $KOP_INSTDIR/docker-for-kiuwan_master.XYYYYMMDDHHMM.Ybuildnumber/license
    • cp $KOP_INSTDIR/docker-for-kiuwan_master.XYYYYMMDDHHMM.Ybuildnumber/license
  2. Continue configuring and building your KOP image

Please visit How to Install KOP Licenses is you need to reinstall (or upgrade) licenses after the docker container is built.



After configuration, you will build the Kiuwan docker image.


IMPORTANT: Please be sure you have already installed KOP licenses, otherwise the docker image will not be built !!


To build the docker image:

     cd $KOP_INSTDIR/vXmaster.YYYYMMDDHHMM.Ybuildnumber


This step requires Internet connectivity.

If your installation uses an proxy, you should have previolsy configured the proxy settings.


In case you need to execute the Kiuwan container in a host server without Internet connectivity:

  1. Build the image in a connected server host
  2. Save the image, transfer it to the target host server and then load it and execute it (as further described)



After execution, KOP will come back to configuration previous to the execution of script.


Step 6. Accessing Kiuwan On Premise


Once Kiuwan On Premise container is running, you can access it from a browser in the following URL:


where KIUWAN_HOST and KIUWAN_PORT match the values of those properties as configured in settings.custom




KOP built-in users

KOP comes with the following built-in users.

  • kiuwanadmin (password: kiuwanadmin)
    • access to Kiuwan "functional" administration modules such as Users, Applications and Model Management  (see Admin Guide )
    • log in as kiuwanadmin to create users of your KOP instance
  • sysadmin (password: sysadmin)
    • log in as sysadmin to access functionalities related to monitoring and tuning KOP execution
    • sysadmin will give you access KOP sysconsole

Upgrading your KOP installation

In order to maintain your KOP installation up-to-date to new features, bugfixes, etc, you will have to upgrade your KOP installation.


Log in to Console as SysAdmin and check the status of your  KOP installation:



The following pages describe the upgrading Installation procedures of releases of KOP.


Before starting the upgrade process, it's always advisable to make a backup of current KOP installation.

  1. stop the container 
    1. docker stop <$KIUWAN_HOST>
  2. make a backup of MySQL (optional, step #3 also makes a backup copy of MySQL)
  3. from docker server, make a copy of permanent volume ( $DIR_PERSISTENT_VOLUME setting ).
    2. Substitute DIR_PERSISTENT_VOLUME and KIUWAN_HOST with values configured at settings.custom file.
  4. start the container


Basically, a new relase is distributed as a new KOP Installation Package,  consisting on a tarball gz file (docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y.tar.gz) containing all the new kiuwan docker files.

  1. copy the new distribution tarball to your host server’s updates directory ($KOP_INSTDIR/updates/download)
  2. uncompress the distribution tarball  
    • tar xvzf docker-for-kiuwan_master.X.Y.tar.gz 
    • $KOP_INSTDIR/updates/download/docker-for-kiuwan_master.XYYYYMMDDHHMM.Ybuildnumber directory  will be created
  3. change directory to $KOP_INSTDIR/updates/bin

To upgrade Kiuwan Core AND Kiuwan Clients:

  • cd to $KOP_INSTDIR/updates/bin
  • execute the script  ./execute the script updateKiuwanLauncher.shsh 
    • this script makes all the work to upgrade your current KOP app instance to the new one (CORE and CLIENTES will be updated)


To upgrade ONLY Kiuwan Clients:

  • cd to $KOP_INSTDIR/updates/bin
  • execute the script ./
    • this script makes new KLA and K4D ready to be downloadable by KOP client users


