Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


  • Single-Analysis
    • Neutralizations can apply only to a unique analysis.
    • In this case, the xml file should be located at:
      • [analysis_base_dir]/libraries/[technology]
  • Application-specific
    • Neutralizations can apply to all analyses of a specific application.
    • In this case, the xml file should be located at:
      • [agent_home_dir]/conf/apps/[app_name]/libraries/[technology] 
  • System-wide 
    • Neutralizations can apply to all analyses of all applications.
    • In this case, the xml file should be located at: (* review! this folder is deleted when KLA update)
      • [agent_home_dir]/libraries/[technology] 
    • Exceptions to this rule are: 
      • cpp engine reads from  …/libraries/c 
      • objective engine reads from …/libraries/objetivec and …/libraries/c
