Code Security (SAST)

Elevate Code Security at Every Development Stage

Securing your software is not just necessary; it's a critical competitive advantage. Kiuwan can help you with state-of-the-art static application security testing (SAST) that seamlessly integrates with your development process. Ensure every line of code is efficient and free of vulnerabilities while empowering your team to build safer applications faster.

What Can Kiuwan Code Security SAST Do for You?

Quick Setup, Fast Results
Identify and remediate security vulnerabilities quickly
Make Security Part of the Process
Use data to identify security risks and create action plans
Customize It to Your Needs
Customize rules according to your goals and priorities.

Supported Programming Languages

Enhance Development with SAST from Kiuwan

  • Fully Customizable: Set up dashboards and functionality according to your needs.
  • Custom Rules and False Positive Management: Get accurate data for optimal focus.
  • Automatic Remediation: Action plans automatically address defects when found.
  • Baseline Comparisons: Find defects by comparing current code against a baseline.
  • Flexible Deployment: Choose between on-prem or cloud-based scanning.

Compliance and Transparency with SBOM Support

Kiuwan aligns with the highest levels of industry compliance, centralizing security in your application development process. Use it to aid in the creation of a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), offering transparency and control to meet emerging security and compliance needs.

Use Kiuwan SAST to Find Defects

  • Uninitialized Variables
  • Application Misconfiguration
  • Credential/Session Prediction
  • Directory Indexing
  • Insufficient
  • Authorization/Authentication
  • Automatic Reference Counting
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery
  • Information Leakage
  • Insufficient Binary Protection
  • Cross-Site Scripting
  • Injection Attacks
  • Free Non-Heap Variable
  • Use-After-Free
  • Double Free/Close
  • Format String Vulnerability
  • Return Pointer To Local
  • Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
  • Seamless Integrations to Enhance Your Development Workflow

    IDE Integrations

    • Eclipse
    • Visual Studio
    • IntelliJ IDEA

    Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Tools

    • Jenkins
    • Bamboo
    • TeamCity

    Version Control Systems

    • Git
    • SVN
    • Mercurial

    Issue Trackers and Project Management Tools

    • JIRA
    • TFS (Team Foundation Server)
    • Redmine

    Flexible Licensing to Fit Your Needs

    Single Scan

    • Quick and straightforward
    • Best for a security audit
    • 1–5 one-time scans
    • Tiered pricing
    • Technical support
    • No commitment

    Continuous Scanning

    • Unlimited scans
    • Pricing tiers based on lines of code
    • Technical support
    • IDE plugin
    • Lifecycle management
    • CI integration

    Need Added Functionality? No Problem with Kiuwan Add-ons

    Kiuwan is more than just SAST. Unlock its full potential with comprehensive add-ons. Each is designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing workflow, providing targeted solutions to meet your needs.

    Code Analysis

    Gain insight into your code's quality across metrics like maintainability, portability, efficiency, and reliability. Understand and rectify defects to enhance your software’s overall performance.

    Life Cycle

    Thoroughly audit software deliveries from both vendors or internal teams. Set checkpoints, track progress, and compare modifications to ensure compliance and goal alignment.


    Manage your application portfolio with tools to understand associated business risks. Make informed, predictive analyses to drive objective decision-making and strategic planning.

    Request Your Demo Now

    The average security breach cost now tops $4.45 million — a massive sum that proactive security can help you avoid. Discover how straightforward and cost-effective Kiuwan’s static application security testing is. Schedule a free demo and get on board with app security.
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