Why SAST Is Crucial for Security of Web and Mobile Applications

Software applications are used both in homes and workplaces. Web and mobile apps are used for communication. They help businesses and individuals get updates on the latest trends and happenings.

Apps are big money makers as they are easily available in app stores. More people are buying mobile applications, but web applications are not left behind either. In as much as these applications are beneficial in different spheres of life, the challenge of cybersecurity has not yet become a thing of the past. The more technology advances, the more complex hacking techniques become. This is why developers need to integrate security tools like Kiuwan into their DevOps environment. Applications that power mobile and web application are lucrative targets for hackers who use security vulnerabilities to access, steal and modify source codes and binaries. Static Application Security Testing (SAST) helps identify software vulnerabilities in time before applications get to end users. Creating and releasing secure and reliable apps hugely depends on how well SAST is integrated into the systems development lifecycle.

Elimination of software vulnerabilities

Security vulnerability assessment is worthwhile since this is the only way security threats can be eliminated. Developers need to scan software to ensure real, as well as potential risks are addressed proactively. IT systems and devices are powered by software that could harbor loopholes that cyber attackers can use to access the system. A comprehensive and complete security vulnerability assessment plan ensures that all threats are eliminated before the development of the application is finalized.

Apart from stealing company sensitive data, cyber attackers can also modify the source code and have the system do the dirty work on their behalf. Cases of identity theft and virtual bank heists begin with a security weakness that gives attackers an access point to an individual’s mobile device or an organization’s system. Static application security testing ensures that application binaries, source codes and byte codes are safely and systematically analyzed outside the production environment for easy elimination of vulnerabilities.

Software testing and analysis proactively expose design and code elements that leave applications vulnerable to cyber attack. Strengthening the source code makes applications more reliable and dependable. Even though apps are big money makers, they can only be functional and profitable when they re safe from security weaknesses.

Security of user data

The risk of insecure websites and mobile applications cannot be underestimated. Cyber attacks can cause a lot of damage to an individual’s life and a company’s reputation. Often, cyber attacks result in businesses being permanently curtailed. When customers are not confident that a company can secure their personal data, it is very unlikely that they continue transacting with that company.

Leveraging the power of static application security testing (SAST) to eliminate security risks ensures that users’ sensitive data is secured. Using SAST early in the development process exposes weaknesses before the software is developed. Testing security code and binaries line by line ensure that no stone is left unturned in detecting flaws.

Prevention of vulnerabilities before an application is launched can only be possible if a security tool is integrated into the system development lifecycle. Every developer needs to take cyber attacks seriously so that they don’t deploy applications to the live environment with security loopholes attackers can use.

Working with the right security tools allows you to get information on the precise location of the flaw your software has. You get to work with a scalable and lightning-fast platform that is cost-effective and dependable. Protecting user data can only be guaranteed when vulnerabilities are eliminated in good time.

Guarantee the success of a company

Adopting best practices when using SAST sets a company up for success. In a competitive marketplace, you gain a competitive edge over rival businesses when you can guarantee the security of customers’sensitive data. Aside from users’ data, you also need to ensure that your system is impenetrable by cyber attackers. This can only be made possible when you build security into the system development lifecycle. Tools like Kiuwan allow you to achieve seamless integration in DevOps environments.

SAST allows you to test your source codes within your location without having to upload binaries and codes to a different location. This is a cost-effective and comprehensive operation that also saves you time. Simultaneously using static application software testing (SAST) and software composition analysis (SCA) is a recipe for success. Binary files can be scanned for specific coding language, and you get to manage false positives. Thorough and actionable security vulnerabilities analysis ensure you proceed with software development process once all weaknesses have been fixed.

Secure developer operations environment

DevOps environments need to be continuously integrated with static application security testing tools to ensure applications developed are secure. Leaving security out of the integration pipeline is a mistake that can be very costly. Every developer needs to put security as a first-class contributor to everyday processes. SAST tools like Kiuwan can be integrated into a developer operations environment to guarantee the quality and security of applications developed.

Adopting a development culture that does not delegate security to the end of the development processes ensures that applications deployed to live environments are safe from cyber attacks. Security needs to be built-in from the beginning of the system development lifecycle for an agile and continuous process.

The software team responsible for security will have an easy time eliminating vulnerabilities when they understand the complete attack surface. Having security as an afterthought gives the software team a hard time analyzing and testing the software for threats. When security is built into day-to-day operations the team accumulates knowledge and expertise that help with security weakness identification and elimination. Besides, automated security tools allow developers to analyze their software for weaknesses locally.

In conclusion

Even though SAST does not replace all traditional security tools outright, it is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to securing web and mobile applications. Working with the right security tool allows you to achieve a seamless integration of security tools into the systems development lifecycle.

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