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Kiuwan Release Announcement – November 17, 2021

We are pleased to announce another Kiuwan software product update, designed to enhance the user experience!

Released on November 17, 2021, this release brings a whole host of new features for current and prospective clients. The update is designed to empower increased efficacy across the Kiuwan toolset along with with enhanced convenience for end users.

● We have added the .jsx extension in javascript languages analysis.
● The KLA (Kiuwan Local Analyzer) now runs under Java 16 to support the latest technologies.
● New Cobol preprocessor script:

A new script (cobolPreprocess.xml) for pre-processing COBOL sources and replacing COPY statements
with the content of copybooks provided.

This tool will be useful for developers. When creating COPY statements, the common strategy of parsing separate Cobol programs and copybooks often lead to a high rate of parse errors.  Along with the cost of losing the original source code lines in reported defects, due to plain code substitution.

The script is located in the local analyzer bin directory, and usage is as follows:

 ant -f cobolPreprocess.xml run
[-Dfreeform=true|false] [-Dencoding=ENCODING]
[-DprogramExtensions=extensions] [-DcopyExtensions=extensions]


SOURCES_DIR: The input
– dialect: cobol85, cobolibm, cobolmicrofocus, coboltandem, acucobol, rmcobol. Default: cobol85.
– marginType: The margin type to use when formatting. The default, autodetect, tries to detect the margin format heuristically. both_margin is the ANSI format.
– freeform: true | false. If true, free-format COBOL. Default: false.
– encoding: The encoding for reading and writing files. Default: UTF-8.
– programExtensions: Extensions for COBOL programs. Default: cob,cbl,cobol,pco.
– copyExtensions: Extensions for COBOL copybooks. Default: cpy,copy.
– include: Comma-separated patterns of files to include. Two asterisks mean ‘all directories and subdirectories’. Default: */.
– exclude: Comma-separated patterns of files to include. Default: empty.
– OUTPUT_DIR: Directory where the pre-processed files will be written. Defaults to current directory.

● Added support for the JavaScript Vue.js framework. New rules added:
– VueComponentDataMustBeFunction: Component data must be a function.
– VueForWithoutKey: Always use key with v-for.
– VueHtmlEscapeDisabled: Vue HTML escaping is disabled.
– VueIfWithForDirective: Never use v-if on the same element as v-for.

● Update CWETOP25 tags to 2021 version 

● Added new mapping for the latest 2021 OWASP Top10 list.

Change Log for this upcoming release:

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