AppSec Blog

Keep up with the latest news on cybersecurity, technical trends, and programming best practices.

The Role of SAST in DevSecOps

Most people involved in the process of creating and deploying software applications today are familiar with DevSecOps, which integrates security and operations into the software development [...]
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Understanding OWASP ASVS

It’s always fun to start throwing out acronyms to get one’s technical juices flowing. To make sense of this blog post title, readers show know [...]
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Firmware vulnerabilities

What Makes Firmware Vulnerabilities So Deadly? Simply put, firmware is low-level software usually stored in a near-silicon form (ROM, EEPROM, or flash memory) that is [...]
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Threat Modeling in DevSecOps

Developers often pursue well-intentioned security efforts by focusing on writing secure code. But that’s just part of the puzzle. Instead of focusing only on the [...]
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