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The Comprehensive Defects List for Better Code Quality

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Kiuwan indicators are based on evidence. Part of that evidence —along with intrinsic code metrics— are the defects and vulnerabilities found in the source code analysis

Right. What does Kiuwan consider a defect? A defect is a violation to a rule defined in the quality model for a specific language and a software characteristic.

 Kiuwan provides a full list of all detected defects and vulnerabilities found in the source code.

The first thing you see is a summary with total number of violated rules, the total number of defects found and the number of critical defects

Each row in the list will give you the defect related to one violated rule. You have the number of files affected, the number of defects for the rule, the rule itself, the affected software characteristic, the programming language of the code and the total estimated effort to fix all those defects or vulnerabilities. You can sort the list by any of the above mentioned columns.

This list is the bread and butter for software developers. They will find all the information they need to fix the code. Each row expands to show the specific files where the defects or vulnerabilities were found. For each file, you can expand it to see the specific line of the defect or vulnerabilities and you can even see an excerpt of the code with the defect

Of course, you can export the list with all detailed information to an excel sheet

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